The claims reported against local health authorities and doctors are going up again after a brief decline in 2003.
» » Download table of claims reported by health concern area (source: ANIA)
» » Download table of claims reported against local health authorities
Every year about 4% of patients (320,000) admitted to public or private hospitals in Italy suffer from damages caused by mistakes or negligence. According to data published by the Patients' Rights Tribunal (NGO Cittadinanzattiva - active since 1978 to promote and protect citizens' and consumers' rights) the claims for compensations against the Italian National Health Service have gone up for the most various reasons:
- low quality of treatment: 42,3%
- breach of protocol: 21,9%
- evaluation misjudgement: 16%
- delayed treatment: 8,3%
- inappropriate therapy: 6,5%
- wrong drug dosage: 2,9%
- wrong drug: 2,1%
Given the numbers of the so-called medical negligence and the ratio between legal proceedings started and those settled with guilt, it emerges that in Italy compensation will be granted six times out of ten . For a higher safety margin, Iuraconsult only works with the best professionals in the field. The preliminary feasibility evaluation is of utmost importance, as the actual possibilities that our Client will get compensation for the damage suffered are analysed in detail. Over years of legal battles, professionals at Iuraconsult have developed an innovative work arrangement: a team made up of lawyers and medical examiners specialised in appeals against local health authorities and private hospitals, used to working in an integrated, centralised and computerised way.
Lawyers and medical examiners at Iuraconsult do not have any connection with insurance companies or local health authorities: Iuraconsult does not have any conflict of interest; the only imperative interest is to get the right compensation in the shortest time for its Client.